Producer Bobie Taffe and her team produced this video profile of filmmaker Dawn Wilkinson whose feature film Devotion is being screened at the CaribbeanTales Youth Film Festival.
View "Dawn Wilkinson - Devotion" from Frances-Anne Solomon on Vimeo.
SWEET DEVOTION: During her final year of a BA in Women’s Studies and African Studies at U of T in 1996, Dawn Wilkinson took a one-week filmmaking workshop in Mount Forest, Ontario, that persuaded her to pursue a life behind the camera. The young writer had been crafting plenty of fiction and literary criticism in her classes, but, at the screening of her five-minute film, she was floored by the “immediacy” of the response. “Seeing people connect to my story was something I’d never fully experienced with my writing.”In 1999, Wilkinson studied at the Canadian Film Centre Directors’ Lab in Toronto. She also served as a director observer (in which a young filmmaker-hopeful watches an established pro at work) during the shooting of the movie Hurricane, with director Norman Jewison (BA 1949 VIC). Wilkinson had established the production company, Afterlife, in 1998, and has since made four short films, as well as several documentaries.

More Clips from Devotion:
Dawn Wilkinson’s “Devotion” Trailer
Dawn Wilkinson Interview for“Devotion”
Fight Scene from Dawn Wilkinson's "Devotion
Alice and Grant from Dawn Wilkinson's "Devotion"
The Sally scene from Dawn Wilkinson's "Devotion"
Ja Ganesha from Dawn Wilkinson's "Devotion"
Halloween Scene from Dawn Wilkinson’s “Devotion”
More about Dawn Wilkinson
More about Devotion
AfterLife Films Youtube Channel including interviews with Dawn and clips from "Devotion"
Devotion Offical Website
Dawn Wilkinson's website
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