A Winter Tale will screen twice at the Antigua and Barbuda Literary Festival this weekend - on Friday 7th at 4pm, and on Sunday 9th November at 11am. Venue is the Jolly Beach Resort.
Actor Peter Williams and I will both be there to "Talk It Out" after the show...
The Festival has established itself, in 3 short years, as a top Caribbean literary and cultural event, and many international artists will be present, including award-winning American author Elisabeth Nunez, Indo-Trinidadian novelist and poet Ramabai Espinet, and hip hop artist Motion (to name but a few).

The event was the first International Diaspora Arts Festival, hosted by Professor Gladstone Yearwood, Director of the Center.
The two other films featured were Namibia: The Struggle for Liberation by the great African-American filmmaker Charles Burnett, and Ezra a stunning film on child slavery by Nigerian Newton Aduaka, which won the top award for best film at Fespaco 2007. I had the privelege of meeting both these wonderful artists in Barbados.
And here is a review of my film by prolific blogger Ian Bourne of Bajan Reporter. Visit our website http://awintertale.ca to catch up with all the recent reviews from our Trinidad, Jamaica and Antigua releases.

More soon, love
Carl Lumbly is one of my favorite actors since I first saw him in in New York performing in August Wilson's play, Jitney. I'll be on the lookout for that film.