are proud to present
’DOs & DON’Ts
An Artist Talk on Popular Culture,
Beauty & the Black Female Image
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Women & Gender Studies Institute
University of Toronto
20 Willcocks Street, 2nd floor
7:00 p.m. / Reception to follow
Assistant Professor in Art and Art History at the University of Nebraska Omaha, Wanda Ewing is a rising mid-career artist specializing in printmaking. Recently featured in Bitch magazine and New American Painters, Ewing’s satirical and celebratory images serve as a catalyst for discussion among diverse communities.
Following in the tradition of self-portrait-based artists like Renee Cox, Ike Ude, and Cindy Sherman, Ewing's work highlights the everyday affects of media imagery on the self, which tends to focus on female insecurity rather than self-possession. She reasserts the idea of a strong, gendered identity by using humour to poke fun at the idea of recreating ourselves through style and consumption, while at the same time challenging mainstream beauty myths and their impact on black women specifically.
'DOs & DON'Ts is produced to support Wanda's exhibition with Anita Drieseberg, The Ladies Room, opening Friday, October 17 at Whipper Snapper Gallery. This is her first Toronto appearance.
Please view an excellent, three-minute interview with Wanda as posted on-line at: http://www.YouTube.com/watch?v=8tHn6beGwQc.
To download more information about the artist or a poster of this event, please visit http://MorenaMedia.com.

Karen Miranda Augustine
T: (416) 263-9835
E: info@morenamedia.com
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