The buzz for A Winter Tale stirred the GTA as the media’s interest was piqued. Local newspapers and online sites caught the fever and the reviews have been outstanding. While the GTA enjoyed the theatrical release, Frances-Anne Solomon headed to Edmonton, Los Angeles and New York for special screenings.
Friday February 29th, A Winter Tale will open at Rainbow Cinema Woodbine

This Saturday, Peter Williams and Frances-Anne Solomon will be in Ottawa where A Winter Tale will be screened at the Routes to Freedom Conference at the University of Ottawa (showtime 2pm).
Mini Film Festival: Routes to Freedom
A Winter Tale: Shots ring out one winter night and a bullet meant for a local street dealer kills a ten-year-old boy in the downtown Toronto community of Parkdale. A discussion group will follow with film-maker Frances-Ann Solomon and ...
University of Ottawa | News Releases... - http://www.media.uottawa.ca
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Latest reviews:
A shot rings out on a winter night in Toronto’s gritty Parkdale neighbourhood. It’s intended for a local drug dealer, but imbeds itself in a 10-year-old innocent bystander instead. Metronews.ca
Solomon’s acclaimed feature film made its US premiere last November, when it was selected to open the 15th annual African Diaspora Film Festival in Manhattan. Carribeanworldnews.com
John O'Keefe was killed by a stray bullet last month while walking down Yonge St. The 42-year-old father of a young son was on his way home when two men opened fire at the front of a strip club. Torontosun.com
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