On the first day of the prestigious Montreal World Film Fest, John Griffin of the Montreal Gazette today posted 'capsule reviews' of 18 films to watch (out of 230 features and 213 shorts from 70 countries over 10 days on 17 screens ), and A Winter Tale was there, with 4 stars (out of 4)...
"A Winter Tale (Four stars)From The Gazette: "Capsule Reviews of selected 2007 WFF films"
Toronto's male black community takes a hard look at itself after a child is killed in gangland crossfire in Frances-Anne Solomon's searing, award-winning feature. The story's fiction, but it could be ripped from the headlines, and the ensemble acting - Peter Williams, Michael Miller, Leonie Forbes et al - is pitch perfect. See this. Screens at Quartier Latin Tuesday at 7:40 p.m., Wed. at 9:10 am. and Sept. 1 at 1:20 p.m. JG"
Photo: Peter Williams, Shakura S'Aida in A Winter Tale