"Solomon and her cast deliver extraordinarily credible, emotionally raw and sincere performances..."
"...violence is not a spectator sport, and nowhere in this film could you simply watch - you felt the call to action, and even discussion."
Expose Magazine (Read the full review here).
"A Winter Tale" tells the emotional story of a Black Men's support group that meets in a Caribbean Takeaway restaurant, in the wake of the death by gunfire of a young child in Toronto. It offers a brilliant and ultimately positive perspective on the timely topic of gun violence in the city.
The film won the Award for Outstanding Canadian Feature at this year's ReelWorld Film Festival, and was hailed by media and audiences alike as "very compelling" and “exactly what Toronto needs”.
Now it will be used to promote discussion and anti-violence strategies, in a wide-ranging Canada-wide tour called “TALK IT OUT” aimed at urban high school youth and communities in Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, Halifax and Vancouver.
"TALK IT OUT" will have it’s Official Launch on Sunday July 15th at 6pm, at the Workman Cinema, as the Closing Night Presentation at the CaribbeanTales 2nd Annual Film Festival

For more information: A Winter Tale Official Website
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About the CaribbeanTales 2nd Annual Film Festival
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