The Launch event will feature a sneak preview of some of this year's most exciting documentaries.
HONOR BOUND - a half-hour snapshot of the endlessly surprising creative talents of Honor Ford Smith; as well as IN THE SHADOW OF MY FATHERS, profiling the important work of poet, novelist and biographer Rachel Manley. And CREATION FIRE, an extraordinary profile of Calabash, the dynamic Literary Festival that takes place in Jamaica every year.
On Saturday October 28, we will have A DAY OF SCREENINGS AND DISCUSSIONS featuring "The Best of Literature Alive Season 1". Since this series first aired on BRAVO! last October, several of our documentaries have won awards and been screened at Festivals internationally. We are delighted to bring to the big screen, our award-winning documentaries on the Hon. Louise Bennet-Coverley, Ramabai Espinet, Shani Mootoo, Nalo Hopkinson, and Jemini, among others.
The full program for the event is below.
Many of the writers will be joining us to introduce the documentaries and discuss their work, including Rachel Manley, Honor Ford Smith, Jemini, Shani Mootoo, Nalo Hopkinson, and Ramabai Espinet.
Literature Alive Season 2 Launch - FULL PROGRAM
Friday October 27
7:00 p.m. LITERATURE ALIVE SEASON 2 Sneak Preview
Rachel Manley - My Father's Shadow
Colin Channer - Creation Fire
Honor Ford Smith - Honor-Bound
Drinks and festivities!
Saturday October 28 - A Day of Screenings and Discussion - The best of Literature Alive Season 1
1:00 p.m. Memory Places
Haitian-Canadian Dany Laferriere, Indo-Trinidadian Ramabai Espinet, Toronto's Flow 93.5 DJ and poet Jemeni and Trinidad born-Ottawa raised Andre Alexis: Four contemporary Caribbean writers who in their writing draw on childhood memories to create imaginative modern reflections on Canada today.
3:00 p.m. Fantastic Spaces
Many writers navigating the spaces between the Caribbean and Canada create startling imaginary landscapes that meld the two. This series of docs explores the fabulous worlds of science fiction writer Nalo Hopkinson, magic realist writer Shani Mootoo, and vibrant spoken word artist d'bi Young.
5:00 p.m. In Celebration of Miss Lou
Three half-hour films exploring the power, range and influence of Jamaican poet, writer, broadcaster and comedienne Louise Bennet Coverley, on modern Caribbean Culture from the 40s to the birth of Reggae and through to the spokenword hip-hop generation. Featuring poet publisher and teacher Pam Mordecai (in conversation with her friend the writer Velma Pollard), and spoken-word artist & entrepreneur Dwayne Morgan.
Literature Alive documentaries have been screened internationally including at Fipa 2006 in Paris; Reel Sisters 2006, in NY; The 2006 Festival of Black International Cinema, in St Louis, Berlin, and Paris, and at Carifesta 9, in Trinidad. Memory Places, featuring author Andre Alexis, won Special Acknowledgement in the Best Documentary category at the recent Festival of Black International Cinema.
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