I promised to post all the comments I've received, and here they are below. (Yes I know, most are from us to ourselves but that's fantastic too). If you got any you'd like to add, send them to me, I'll keep updating them on the AWT website & blog.
And here are links to web coverage:
CBC Newsworld: 11th April , The Link: Radio Canada International 11th April, CBC.ca 11th April, AfroToronto - April, Caribbean Beat, Toronto Star - April 11th, Geoffrey Philp's Blog, Hardbeatnews, Tempo News, Metro News, Trinidad Express - 29th April, Jamaicans.com, Geoffrey Philp's Blog Spot (2), Jamaicans.com (2), Truly Caribbean, Caribbean Beat (2), Telefilm Canada, Playback, Caribbean Uprising International
Much love and
Add mine to the list of names sending you heartfelt congratulatory wishes on A Winter Tale being named the best Canadian film at the recent festival. I am very proud of you.
Carl T.
(Carl Thorpe, Multicultural History Society of Ontario)
Hi Frances,
I briefly met you at the Reel World Film Festvial Opening Gala. My friend Peter Bailey was involved in your film. I just wanted to congratulate you on it. All of my friends and I included were amazed at the wonderful job you did. I´m sure this film will continue to be shown and your name will continue to grow with it!
Inspired actor,
Brian Mifsud
Hello Frances-Anne,
I have been telling everyone about A WINTER TALE. I found it powerful, poignant...Beautiful film, and very necessary. Jake Chalmers, my son, really wanted us to meet, and I see why!
Best wishes in all upcoming festivals! Penn."
Penn Kemp
Phenomenal film: A winter tale
Hi Frances-anne,
I'm a good friend of Laura Alleyne's, from Reelworld. She had invited me to watch the debut of your film and attend the opening party recently.
I wanted to let you know that you're film was very powerful, especially these days with all the violence engulfing. Your cast was phenomenal.
I recommended your film to all my friends and a couple were able to make it to the showing at the Reelworld. I am very keen for more of my friends to watch it. On that note, have you been able to secure a distribution yet?
If yes, when would you expect it to be released?
I wish you every success with the film.
Best wishes,
Hi Frances-Anne,
Wow, I'm getting phone calls from a bunch of friends who saw the premiere and they have nothing but praise and admiration for the film, my only regret is that I haven't seen it myself, YET... hopefully soon, Congrats on the award FA, keep blowing them away..
Peace & Love to all of yall..
Mike G
Congratulations Frances-Anne and everyone. I thought all the work was superb and so very brave. the whole thing was a revelation. i couldn't be more proud.
My dear friend
It was meant to be. You are a gifted hard working girl and we ALL see that. I am so happy that your recognition is unanimous.
Congrats everyone!!!
Good to see that those ideas that we shared meant something to a great number of people. I guess it reminds us that hard work pays off at the end of the day. Please let us keep in contact cos I believe we will all work together again in one way or another. Toronto is very small ......what can I say.... It has been a wonderful experience for me and I hope to work with U guys soon. Much Luck
and God bless.
Congratulations from Sabio and family.
We are still trying to get him back to Earth [smile].
That is quite something for a 12 year old.
I was so impressed and moved by the film and every one's amazing work. All the
hard work paid off. Many people who I invited and came to see A Winter Tale, were
also moved to tears. The comments I got from educators I invited to the second
screening agreed that this film should be in every highschool library.
Please let us know when and where this film will show again so I can pass on the
Thanks in advance,
Hey Frances Anne,
I know that Winter Tale is going to win-It was outstanding-you did amazing work-thank you so much for inviting me to be a part of this amazing
experience---I am proud that I was able to participate in a project that
has touched so many hearts (including mine!) and will touch so many
All my best and lots of love too!!!
Shakura S'Aida
Blues. Jazz. Soul. Music.
this must be about the 1000th e.mail you've received congratulating you on your film. It was very exciting to see a 'big-time' movie premiere on the big screen. And that movie belongs on the big screen.
You did a great job and should be very very proud. And even though it was the 3rd time i'd seen the story and knew what would happen, it still kept me engaged and i still found it gripping. The changes you made were so right and the characters were so real and well developed.
Congratulations !!!!!!
Barbara Freedman
I’m adding my voice to what I’m sure must be a chorus of congratulations on the launch and premier screening of A Winter Tale at the Reel World Film Festival. I’m sure you’ve heard all the superlatives – luminous, rich, deeply engaging, amazing, captivating, and of course completely enthralling. It’s probably all been said to you – but I want to let you know how deeply moving the film was. All aspects of A Winter Tale were of the finest form under the leadership of an artist at the top of her game – the superb ensemble cast and their amazing acting, the finely tuned directing, the sharp editing, the wonderful plot and story development, the sound track etc., etc., – all in top form. I sincerely hope that the film will find the widest release possible. Thank you for letting me see some of it from it’s infancy to it’s final form.
Congratulations once again to you and all involved in the project!
Lesley Ackrill
Lesley Ackrill
Executive Manager
Interval House
Hi there...
Thanks for inviting me to the screening of your film. Looked really good. Some really good performances. Totally held my interest. I particularly liked the editing of the film. Really tight.
Allen Booth
Hello fa-- I found the film very real and absorbing--all that effort certainly paid off, and I'm happy to see what a creative community you've called up around yourself: it was a great night, I wish you lots more of them! Best, and very warm congratulations-- jay macpherson
hi frances-anne-
i hope you're walkng on a cloud after such a great premiere- it really is fantastic.
your work in post was insanely good. congrats again! nicole
Hello Frances-Anne:
I just wanted to send you a note telling you again how terrific it was to see you present this powerful film with such panache and style at this week's Premiere. It was your night and you shone. After the screening, I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed the final film but you were being mobbed by well wishers and I really didn't want to intrude.
But I loved the movie and still can't believe you delivered such an accomplished and slick work with the limited resources you had. It was so gratifying for me to hear the reactions from the people in the audience and hear their comments and questions afterward.
So, congratulations again!
Diane Boehme, Senior Director, Independent Production, CHUM
I am so proud to be a part of this film.
I'm sorry I wasn't there to celebrate with you.
lots of love,
valerie b. xox
Guys, a Winter Tale was:
All the characters represented someone I know or knew including my brother/mother and myself relationship. Almost word for word.
I usually dislike gang/drug/hood genre films as they have never spoken to me as a Caribbean immigrant in a real, believable way. This did. I didn't think it was possible.
The performance by Leonie as well as P! were fantastic.as well as the African guy.
I love the fact that you touched on the hostility that we know exists between West Indians and Africans.
felt like those 50's/60's social films. 12 angry men/on the waterfront etc.
It was honest. It didn't feel phony nor superficial. There was nothing pretentious/artsy fartsy about the film. Just good clean straight storytelling. The kind that a regular guy from rexdale, not queen street and john, arts community clan, could see.
I like the fact that white people were not the sole source of the problem and inability to dialogue was a major issue.
The scene when Leonie brought P! dinner, he had forgotten what was tenderness was like and we saw that for a brief moment he was affected.
I actually cried as did people in the seats next to me.
Mark my words A Winter Tale will win Genie for Best Picture of 2007
(or at the very least be nominated.)
enjoy it
Hey frances Anne,
It was a blast to have shared in that experience regardless of not being in this photo. I really had a nice time seeing everyone again and watching the hard work pay off the way it did on the big screen. Thank you for the experience.
hey fran
hope the festival is still going well. i know it's wrapping up tomorrow. have been going non stop since i left toronto. but so very glad i could be there for the screening.
just to reiterate.. what i said on wednesday night, since in a party atmosphere it may have seemed trite. i was blown away by your work and by the film. what you've done to it since the last cut i saw. amazing. all the additions, subtractions, the pickups that glued things together - that moved the story forward and brought richness to the whole. little moments that made the story so much bigger.
i know the work in getting the film to where it is now was fucking hard. anyone who knows anything will know it wasn't easy just by how simple and with ease the story is finally told. i am proud of you and your commitment to telling the truth out loud. and i will always be thrilled to have been a part of it.
p.s. my father wanted me to pass on congrats on the
film and wishes for your continued success.
Hi Frances.. congratulations again on the movie premier! It was great Joanne (Talbot)
Priya Ramanujam (no network) wrote
at 10:05pm on April 15th, 2007
hey frances, i interviewed you on Friday for my magazine Urbanology... hope you remember, just wanted to let you know that i got to see the film in the theatre on saturday as you recommended, it was beautiful... all the best!
Garrick-Dr G wrote
at 5:56pm on April 12th, 2007
Ms Anne,
Congrats on "A Winter Tale". Had a great time at premiere.The film is fantastic I wasn't the only one who thought so. It was an honor to be part of it.
Raj Dhillon wrote
at 10:45am on April 14th, 2007
I saw your film on Sunday, what amazing work you all did! Kudos!
Bobby Del Rio wrote
at 9:48am on April 12th, 2007
Awesome time with awesome peeps! Great to see everyone last night!!
Jeff Beadle wrote
on April 11th, 2007
Garrick-Dr G wrote
at 7:15am on April 13th, 2007
The film was excellent. I see more things happening with it.
man, that went well last night, huh? the new edit of the film, KICK ASS- the story is so clear and so compelling. great performances, it looks awesome. i was so proud to be involved. hats off to frances-anne!
to the rest of y'all- GO TEAM!
nice to see y'all last night!
Ryan Glasgow wrote
at 2:53pm on April 12th, 2007
it was WICKED!
hey frances its sabio! party is over it turned out really well love you-sabio
Denise HJ: Francis-Anne - hope that you're still basking in the accolades for the fantastic work that you and your cast has done. Congratulations again.
Hi Frances Anne
I enjoyed the film very much. Congratulations on such a nice evening and such well deserved appreciation for your work and for the festival from the audience.
I thought the acting was excellent...nice ensemble feel from them. And of course I liked the music.
All the best
Fergus Hambleton
Bobby Del Rio: Last night was great fun! Great film and good times! Somebody get those photos on Facebook!!
R.O. Glasgow: We did it. 3 years of hopes, dreams, changes and more changes. Challenges and victories, with a few failures, but we made it to the moment we had all waited for. Without a doubt it was the single most wonderful evening I have ever experienced as an actor/performer/man. I was and am proud of the work that I've done. And finally, it has been set for the world to see. Don't get me wrong, it was nice to feel nice for a day, to be known for a moment, to be interviewed, to talk to beautiful people who want nothing more than to share in your joy. But it was great to see the finished product of so much work... Every now and again, I may tell you about a dream, it's just really cool when I can tell you how it came true.