What My Mother Told Me", directed by Frances-Anne Solomon, has won the 2006 Award for "
Best Film portraying the Black Experience" at the Festival of Black International Cinema, that took place in St Louis Missouri, Berlin Germany and Paris, France in April & May this year.
At the same festival "
Memory Places", directed by Frances Anne Solomon and Eugene Paramoer, won "
Special Acknoledgement" in the Best Documentary category.
"What My Mother Told Me" was also nominated for the 2006 HBO Award for Best Feature Film at Martha's Vineyard African Amercian Film Festival August 10-13th in Florida.
A UK/Trinidad & Tobago co-production completed in 1996, this beautiful film continues to garner recognition through festivals and screenings internationally. Last year it won the "Producer's Choice" Award at the Women of Color Film Festival in Berkeley.
It stars renowned Jamaican actress Leonie Forbes, with original music by the late Trinidad composer Andre Tankar.
Here is a list of selected recent (2005-2006) screenings of our films:
What My Mother Told Me
2006 Martha's Vineyard African American Film Festival (Best Feature Nomination)
2006 Festival of Black International Cinema, St Louis, Berlin, Paris. (Award, Best Film Portraying the Black Experience)
2005 Pan African Festival of Cinema, Ougadougou
2005 Pan African Film Festival, Los Angeles, California
2005 Women of Color Film Festival, Berkeley, California (Producer's Choice Award)
Reunion: West Indian Women At War
2006, The Trinidad & Tobago International Film Festival
2006 Festival of Black International Cinema, St Louis, Berlin, Paris
2005 Pan African Film Festival, Colorado
2005 Mpenzi Women's Film Festival, Toronto
Literature Alive
2006, Carifesta, Trinidad.
Literature Alive was screened in it's entirety as part of "Books On Film" at Carifesta IX.
In addition, Blood, Dub and The Matriarch - Dbi Young was screened at the Carifesta IX Film Festival.
2006, The Trinidad and Tobago International Film Festival.
Fabulous Spaces - Nalo Hopkinson,
Miss Lou: Then and Now - Hon. Louise bennet Coverley.
2006, Fipa, Paris
Memory Places - Andre Alexis,
Believe - Richardo Keens Douglas,
Un Homme Dans sa Ville - Dany LaFerriere
Home - Tessa McWatt.
2006, Reel Sisters, NY
My Dinner With Shani - Shani Mootoo,
Man Behind The Mic - Dwayne Morgan,
Blood, Dub and the Matriarch - Dbi.young,
Her True True Name - Pam Mordecai,
Fantastic Spaces - Nalo Hopkinson
2006 Festival of Black International Cinema, (St Louis, Berlin, Paris)
Her True True Name - Pam Mordecai,
Miss Lou Then and Now - Louise Bennet,
Memory Places - Andre Alexis (Special Acknoledgement Award)
2006 San Diego Women's Festival
Blood, Dub and The Matriarch - D'bi Young
Lord Have Mercy!
2005 African Diaspora Film Festival NY
2005 Best of the ADFF, BAM Center New York
2005 Pan African Film Festival, Los Angeles
2005 Atlanta Women of Color Film Festival
I Is A Long Memoried Woman
2006 African Diaspora Film Festival
Carifesta IX Film Festival, Trinidad